274 research outputs found

    Brand Associations as a condition for success in co-branding partnerships in the fashion industry : a study on younger generations

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    This dissertation investigates the impact of brand associations on co-branding initiatives within the fashion industry. Existing co-branding literature shows that successful co-branding initiatives produce great value for the company and the consumer. We theorized another condition for success is the cognitive cues consumers make about the brands involved in a partnership. Brand associations play an important role in consumers’ product evaluations and choices. Understanding the importance of brand associations in a collaboration venture may contribute to recognizing more successful co-branding initiatives. This study adopted avoidance/approach questions to understand the impact on purchase intentions of brand associations brand fit and consumers’ status-signaling needs. The study was presented to 192 participants between the ages of 23 and 38 years old and was constituted of randomized scenarios of real partnerships between a luxury brand and a mass fashion / mainstream brand. Findings showed a strong impact of brand fit on purchase intentions that overcomes the role of individual brand associations. Consumers that perceived a positive brand fit of the co-branding initiative revealed stronger intent to buy from the collaboration. Individual brand associations do not impact purchase intentions, apart from positive associations of mainstream brands, showing that when consumers have positive associations of mainstream brands their purchase intentions will be higher. Regarding high status-signaling needs, results indicate that consumers show higher purchase intentions when possessing a high status-signaling need for any of the partnered brands. This article discusses theoretic and practical implications and offers paths for future research.Esta dissertação investiga o impacto das associações de marca nas iniciativas de cobranding na indústria da moda. A literatura existente em co-branding mostra que iniciativas bem-sucedidas produzem maior valor para a empresa e o consumidor. Os autores propõem outra condição para o sucesso, as associações que os consumidores fazem sobre as marcas da parceria. Estas associações são importantes nas avaliações e escolhas dos consumidores e compreender a sua importância pode contribuir para um melhor reconhecimento de iniciativas bem-sucedidas. Esta dissertação adota questões de proximidade/distância para entender o impacto, nas intenções de compra, das associações, do brand fit e da necessidade social dos consumidores de sinalizar estatuto. O estudo, constituído por cenários aleatórios com parcerias reais entre marcas de luxo e marcas de massas (ex: Nike) foi apresentado a 192 participantes entre os 23 e 38 anos de idade. Os resultados mostraram um forte impacto de brand fit nas intenções de compra, sobrepondo-se ao impacto das associações individuais. Os consumidores que avaliaram as colaborações positivamente revelaram maiores intenções de compra relativamente à colaboração. As associações de marca individuais não afetam as intenções de compra, exceto as associações positivas em relação às marcas de massas, mostrando que quando os consumidores têm associações positivas da marca popular as suas intenções de compra serão maiores. Finalmente, os resultados indicam que os consumidores demonstram intenções de compra mais altas se tiverem uma necessidade de sinalizar estatuto social elevada, independentemente da marca parceira. Este artigo discute implicações teóricas e práticas e oferece caminhos para futuras pesquisas

    Old and new ideas about the environment and science: an exploratory study

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    Using the framework of social representations theory, this article examines predictors of two belief systems linking beliefs about the environment with beliefs about scientific knowledge. In a survey study with 460 Portuguese respondents, the following four hypotheses were tested: (a) New ecological beliefs were expected to receive higher levels of agreement than old anthropocentric ones, (b) social identities (not only objective positions) were expected to be important predictors of respondents’ beliefs, and (c) the explanatory power of social identity variables was expected to be higher for those beliefs receiving lower levels of agreement (d) and for respondents expressing coherent representations. Analyses reconstructed two belief systems: prudence, linking new ecological ideas with a relativist view of science, and confidence, linking old anthropocentric ideas with a positivist view of science. Results support the hypothesis and show that although these systems can be viewed as contradictory, some respondents manage to agree with both

    Performatividade e distinções escolares no contexto da escola pública: tendências internacionais e especificidades do contexto português

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    Partindo de uma análise multidimensional da excelência académica, discute-se o papel dos rituais de distinção dos melhores alunos na escola pública. Com base numa metodologia multiescalar, procede-se ao levantamento de práticas de premiação adotadas em países mais próximos da ideologia neoliberal (EUA, Reino Unido, França e Chile) e também ao mapeamento dos mecanismos de distinção implementados nas escolas secundárias portuguesas. Os resultados apontam para a expansão global da ritualização das distinções, embora se evidenciem diferentes apropriações nacionais e locais, decorrentes das especificidades das escolas e do meio envolventePerformativity and school distinctions international tendencies and specificities of the Portuguese context. On the basis of a multidimensional analysis, we discuss in this paper the role of the rituals of distinction of the best students attending public schools. A multiscale methodology allowed us to identify not only the school award practices implemented in some countries that embrace the neoliberal ideology (usa, United Kingdom, France and Chile), but also the distinction mechanisms promoted by Portuguese secondary schools. Results show a global expansion of the distinction’s rituals, despite the different national and local appropriations due to the school specificities and to the environmentEste trabalho é financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projeto PTDC/IVC-PEC/4942/2012 do Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade do Minho (CIEd), intitulado Entre Mais e Melhor escola: A excelência académica na escola pública portuguesa. Os dados relativos ao Chile resultam do projeto de investigação intitulado La excelencia académica en escuelas públicas de prestigio: perceciones, vivencias y prácticas de los atores escolares, financiado por CONICTY - FONDECYT Iniciación Número 11140241.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The meritocratic ideal in education systems: the mechanisms of academic distinction in the international context

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    The state school lives immersed in the tension between democratic purposes and the ideals of merit and selectivity. In this context, state schools establish instruments of public praise for students who stand out academically or in other dimensions. We propose to map the rituals of academic distinction in Portuguese state schools and to discuss the widespread adoption of these mechanisms by secondary schools. However, neither their configuration nor the selection criteria are homogeneous, which points to the existence of distinct conceptualisations of excellence and margins of freedom for each school to define their own criteria for success.This work is financed by National Funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the project PTDC/IVC-PEC/4942/2012 of the Centre for Research in Education of the University of Minho (CIEd), entitled Entre Mais e Melhor escola: A excelência académica na escola pública portuguesa (Between More and Better School: Academic Excellence in the Portuguese State School).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What have we learned from the pandemic?

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    Evaluation of texture in Serra da Estrela cheese manufactured in different dairies

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    Serra da Estrela cheese is a traditional product from artisanal manufacture using raw ewe’s milk coagulated with dried, wild thistle flower. The present study aimed to investigate the variation of textural properties in Serra da Estrela cheeses manufactured in different dairies through time, namely from April to June, following the end of the cheese making season. Three types of tests were conducted: compression, puncture and spreadability. These were carried out on samples coming from six different dairies situated in the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) region of this type of cheese. The results obtained showed some non-negligible differences for some textural properties between the top and bottom sides of the cheeses evaluated, as well as between cheeses from different dairies. Nevertheless, the properties of springiness, resilience, cohesiveness and adhesiveness (all from the compression test), were not significantly different in the samples analysed. In what concerns the variations along the milking season, it was possible to conclude that three of the considered dairies produced cheeses with a more constant textural profile in the period comprised between April and June. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed that the correlations between the textural properties were strong for some interactions between properties form the same test and/or from similar nature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Save the Climate! Stop the Oil”: Actual Protest Behavior and Core Framing Tasks in the Portuguese Climate Movement

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    In this article, we focus on two demonstrations against climate change that took place in Portugal on the 12th of November 2016 and the 29th of April 2017. Two separate studies were conducted on the same protests. In Study 1, we conducted a quantitative study (N = 259), to examine the role of socio-demographics and socio-psychological predictors in predicting the actual protest. Participants were demonstrators (N = 158), as well as non-demonstrators (N = 101). Results indicated that moral motivation and identification as an environmentalist were the key variables in explaining actual protest. In Study 2, we conducted a framing analysis of the written manifestos (N = 2), to identify the core framing tasks which were used to inspire and legitimize the protests. The framing analysis suggests that the problems and paths for action were described by appealing to the interlinkage between the global and local dimensions of climate change, and that arguments of severity and urgency of the problem were the most salient. The implications of this research are discussed in relation to possible pathways for a more comprehensive understanding of the reasons why people engage in collective action in climate change related issues, and how these motives may relate to how social movements mobilize people for actionThis work was supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship [grant number SFRH/BPD/103371/2014] and by funds of the Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (Cis-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) – Ref. UID/PSI/03125/2013), both funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia)S

    Sistemas de segurança social estatais e privados: análise aos 5 continentes.

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    Mestrado em Actuariado e Gestão de Riscos Financeirosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hidroisomerização de alcanos lineares usando catalisadores à base de SAPO-11 hierárquico

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia QuímicaEste trabalho tem como objectivo a síntese de materiais SAPO-11 hierárquicos, com estrutura AEL para serem utilizados como catalisadores bifuncionais, Pt/SAPO-11, em reacções de hidroisomerização de n-alcanos lineares de cadeia longa, usando, como molécula, modelo o n-decano. Este sistema poroso hierárquico foi criado por dois métodos. O primeiro consistiu na síntese de SAPO-11 usando uma combinação de aquecimento de microondas com a adição de várias quantidades de um agente estruturante secundário, o polietilenoglicol (PEG), para além do estruturante primário dipropilamina (DPA). No segundo método, o material SAPO-11 sintetizado foi modificado por moagem mecânica, usando um moinho de bolas, onde foi estudado o efeito da frequência e do tempo de moagem. As amostras sintetizadas foram caracterizadas por difração de raio-X (XRD), análise térmica (TGA-DSC), adsorção de azoto, microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM), adsorção de piridina seguida por espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e análise química elementar. Os catalisadores bifuncionais, Pt/SAPO-11, após introdução de 0,5 % de Pt (Pt/Al2O3) por mistura mecânica, foram testados na reação de hidroisomerização do n-decano de modo a estudar o comportamento catalítico. Os resultados mostram que as amostras sintetizadas com combinação de aquecimento microondas e PEG, e também as amostras moídas apresentam mesoporosidade adicional, podendo concluir-se que foram obtidos materiais SAPO-11 hierárquicos. As amostras com melhor desempenho catalítico, no que diz respeito ao rendimento de produtos mono-ramificados são: para as amostras convencionais, a amostra diluída e com uma razão de PEG/DPA de 0,35; relativamente às amostras com aquecimento microondas, a amostra diluída e com uma razão de PEG/DPA de 0,50 e 40 minutos de tempo de cristalização; para as amostras moídas com diferentes tempos de moagem, a amostra obtida com um tempo de moagem de 60 minutos.This work aims to synthesize hierarchical SAPO-11 materials with AEL structure to be used as bifunctional catalysts (Pt/SAPO-11) in hydroisomerization reactions of linear long-chain n-alkanes using n-decane as a model molecule. The hierarchical porous system was created by two methods. The first consisted in using a combination of microwave heating with the addition of various amounts of secondary structuring agent, polyethylene glycol (PEG), in addition to the primary structurant dipropylamine (DPA). In the second method, parent SAPO-11 material was modified using a ball mill where the effect of frequency and time grinding was studied. The samples synthesized were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TGA-DSC), nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), pyridine adsorption followed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and elemental chemical analysis. The bifunctional Pt/SAPO-11 catalysts (0.5% Pt, mechanical mixing), were tested in the hydroisomerization reaction of n-decane in order to study the catalytic behavior. The results show that the samples synthesized with the combination of the microwave heating and PEG, as well as the ground samples present additional mesoporosity, and it can be concluded that hierarchical SAPO-11 samples are obtained. The samples with the best catalytic performance concerning the yield of monobranched products are: for conventional samples, the diluted sample and a PEG/DPA ratio of 0.35; for samples with microwave heating, the diluted sample and a PEG/DPA ratio 0.50 and 40 minutes of crystallization time; for samples ground with different milling times, the sample submitted to a milling time of 60 minutes.N/

    Ambivalência atitudinal: Selecção de estímulos alimentares e avaliação de três medidas em quatro índices de ambivalência

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    Este artigo centra-se na operacionalização da ambivalência atitudinal aplicado ao caso da alimentação. Tem como principal objectivo aceder a indicadores de validade de três medidas de ambivalência. No Estudo 1, foram seleccionados os estímulos. No Estudo 2, as medidas directa, indirecta aberta e indirecta fechada, foram comparadas nos quatro índices que cada uma possibilita: intra-componente cognitivo e afectivo, inter-componentes e ambivalência global. Como esperado, as medidas indirectas estabelecem correlações mais fortes entre si nos índices de ambivalência global e inter-componentes. Para estes índices a medida indirecta aberta revelou ser a mais fiável. Por ultimo os resultados revelam equivalência entre as escalas de atitudes unipolares e bipolares